一. 个人简况
陈平华,男,博士,研究员,博士/硕士生导师,国家计量认证评审员。现任国家甘蔗工程技术中心质量标准室副主任、农业农村部甘蔗及制品质检中心副主任、转基因检测室主任,系国家认监委国家级评审员、教育部学位与研究生教育评审专家、福建省转基因安全管理行政审批专家、高校科技创新团队责任专家。1991-1998年于河南农业大学先后获得学士和硕士学位。1998-2001年于博乐体育获博士学位。2005-2006年美国农业部访问学者,于美国农业部南方农业研究中心USDA-ARS甘蔗研究所分子遗传实验室(路易斯安娜州)和USDA甘蔗试验站(佛罗里达州)学习研究。2010年作为中国甘蔗协会分子育种代表参加在墨西哥举办的第二十七届国际甘蔗技师协会,应邀做大会专题报告。先后主持国家基金、948计划、省重点等项目,连续主持农业农村部和福建省转基因生物安全管理和检测项目等十余项,骨干参加国家863计划、国家攻关引导等多个重大项目。主要开展作物与病原菌互作应答机制、作物品质形成机制及高优多抗聚合分子育种、基因工程及转基因检测等领域研究,在植物单细胞(花粉)分子遗传方面的研究成果达到国际先进水平,在Frontiers in Plant Science、BMC Plant Biology、Agronomy、Sci Rep、PLoS ONE、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Sugar Tech、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、MicrobPathog、作物学报、植物病理学报、应用与环境生物学报、基因组学与应用生物学等国内外刊物发表论文四十余篇,参与编写专著3部、育成品种2个。研究成果第一发明人获得授权专利10项,制订国家标准1项,为国际甘蔗技师协会会员、美国农业部名誉职员,热带作物学报等期刊审稿人,国家基金、转基因重大专项、转基因加工企业许可、广西自然基金等项目评审专家。多次被评为优秀教师、优秀博乐体育务工作者,为国家甘蔗工程中心质标室作物分子育种与转基因研究方向学科带头人,先后指导博、硕士研究生、留博乐体育三十余名。
二. 承担课程
1. 研究方向和领域
2. 主持项目
(1) 国家自然科学基金:转Cry1Ac基因甘蔗RNAi双价抗病毒聚合遗传改造技术体系研究(31070330),主持人。
(2) 国家948计划:提升甘蔗育种效率和水平关键技术引进与利用(2010-S19),主持人。
(3) 福建省转基因安全管理项目:2022年福建省农作物品种试验鉴定示范项目(K1522008A),主持人。
(4) 福建省转基因安全管理项目:2021年水稻玉米大豆试验品种转基因检测(K1521011A),主持人。
(5) 农业农村部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2020年农业转基因生物安全技术检测(KH200120A),主持人。
(6) 农业农村部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2019年农业转基因生物安全技术检测(KH190285A),主持人。
(7) 农业部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2018年农业转基因生物安全技术检测(KHCZ18002),主持人。
(8) 福建省转基因安全管理项目:2017年福建省农业转基因生物技术检测(KHCZ18003),主持人。
(9) 农业部转基因安全鉴定项目:转基因植物分子特征验证(KHCZ17016),2015,主持人。
(10) 农业部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2016年农业转基因生物安全技术检测(KMh16001A),主持人。
(11) 福建省转基因安全管理项目:2016年福建省农业转基因生物技术检测(KHCZ17017),主持人。
(12) 福建省转基因安全管理项目:2015年福建省农业转基因生物安全技术检测(K8315006A),主持人。
(13) 农业部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2014年农业转基因生物安全技术检测(K42neq001),主持人。
(14) 福建省自然科学基金:甘蔗花青素转录因子基因克隆与转基因甘蔗花青素筛选技术研究(2014J01092),主持人。
(15) 农业部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2013年农业转基因生物安全技术检测(k42130004),主持人。
(16) 福建省转基因安全管理项目:2013年福建省转基因玉米和水稻执法监管(K42139231),主持人。
(17) 农业部转基因生物安全技术检测项目:2010年农业转基因生物安全管理(NYB2010003),主持人。
(18) 福建省重点项目:美国系列能糖兼用甘蔗优良种质及其现代育种关键技术的引进与研发(2007I0036),主持人。
3. 发明专利
(1) 授权发明专利:一种无抗生素四价抗病虫和除草剂植物表达载体及应用(ZL201310715572.3),第1发明人。
(2) 授权发明专利:一种转基因甘蔗目的基因元件多重PCR快速筛查方法(ZL201310607161.2),第1发明人。
(3) 授权发明专利:一种甘蔗花青素调节基因ScRS及其应用(ZL201410197759.3),第1发明人。
(4) 授权发明专利:一种甘蔗愈伤组织显色控制基因ScSN及其应用(ZL201410197758.9),第1发明人。
(5) 授权发明专利:一种大批量快速制备PCR模板的方法(ZL200810071267.4),第1发明人。
(6) 授权发明专利:甘蔗基因组内标基因果糖-6-磷酸2-激酶基因PCR引物序列及扩增方法(ZL201310292837.3),第1发明人。
(7) 授权发明专利:甘蔗基因组内标基因异戊二烯基二磷酸δ-异构酶基因PCR引物序列及扩增方法(ZL201310292810.4),第1发明人。
(8) 授权发明专利:甘蔗基因组内标基因乙酰乳酸合酶基因PCR引物序列及扩增方法专利号(ZL201310294696.9),第1发明人。
(9) 授权发明专利:植物单花粉高通量收集与PCR检测方法(ZL200710008694.3),第1发明人。
(10) 授权发明专利:一种提高甘蔗愈伤组织繁殖系数的方法(ZL200910111896.X),第1发明人。
4. 科技成果、标准与荣誉称号
国家标准:甘蔗黄叶病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法(GB/T 28067-2011),第2完成人。
5. 代表性论文(*通讯作者)
(1) Rubab Shabbir, Lin Zhaoli, Xu Yueyu, Sun Zihao and Chen Pinghua*. Transcriptome Analysis of Sugarcane Response to Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus Infection Transmitted by the Vector Melanaphis sacchari. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.921674.
(2) Rubab Shabbir, Rajesh Kumar Singhal, Udit Nandan Mishra,Jyoti Chauhan, Talha Javed, Sadam Hussain, Sachin Kumar, Hirdayesh Anuragi, Dalpat Lal, and Pinghua Chen*.Combined Abiotic Stresses: Challenges and Potential for Crop Improvement.Agronomy, 2022, 12(11), 2795; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112795.
(3) Yue JW, Lu QQ, Ni Y, Chen PH*, Liu C*. Comparative analysis of the plastid and mitochondrial genomes of Artemisia giraldii Pamp.. Sci Rep., 2022,12:13931. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18387-2.
(4) Yue J, Ni Y, Jiang M, Chen H, Chen P*, Liu C*. Characterization of Codonopsis pilosula subsp. tangshen plastome and comparative analysis of Codonopsis species. PLoS ONE, 2022, 17(8):https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone. 0271813.
(5) Rubab Shabbir, Talha Javed, Sadam Hussain, Sunny Ahmar, Misbah Naz, Hina Zafar,Saurabh Pandey, Jyoti Chauhan, Manzer H. Siddiqui, Chen Pinghua*. Calcium homeostasis and potential roles to combat environmental stresses in plants. South African Journal of Botany, 2022,148: 683- 693.
(6) Yang Ni, Haimei Chen, Di Liu, Lihui Zeng, Pinghua Chen*, Chang Liu*. Discovery of genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis from the rind and pith of three sugarcane varieties using integrated metabolic profiling and RNA-seq analysis. BMC Plant Biology, 2021,21:214
(7) Rubab Shabbir,Talha Javed, Irfan Afzal,Ayman El Sabagh, Ahmad Ali, Oscar Vicente, and Pinghua Chen*. Modern Biotechnologies: Innovative and Sustainable Approaches for the Improvement of Sugarcane Tolerance to Environmental Stresses. Agronomy, 2021,11,1042.
(8) Yang Ni, Mei Jiang, Haimei Chen, Linfang Huang, Pinghua Chen* & Chang Liu*. Adaptation of a parasitic lifestyle by Cuscutagronovii Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.: large scalegene deletion, conserved gene orders, and low intraspecific divergence. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2021, 6(4):1475-1482.
(9) Khalil F, Yueyu X, Naiyan X,Di L, Tayyab M, Hengbo W, Islam W, Rauf S, Pinghua C*. Genome characterization of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus with special reference to RNAi based molecular breeding. Microb Pathog. 2018,120:187-197.
(10)Farghama Khalil, Xiao Naiyan, Muhammad Tayyab and Chen Pinghua*. Screening of EMS-Induced Drought-Tolerant Sugarcane Mutants Employing Physiological, Molecular and Enzymatic Approaches. Agronomy, 2018, 8(10), 226.
(12)P.H.Chen,Y.B.Pan,R.K.Chen,L.P.Xu,Y.Q.Chen. SSR marker-based analysis of genetic relatedness among sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp. hybrids) from breeding programs in China and other countries. Sugar Tech, 2009,11(4):347-354.
(13)Ping-Hua Chen,Yong-Bao Pan,Ru-Kai Chen. High-throughput Procedure for Single Pollen Grain Collection and Polymerase Chain Reaction in Plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2008, 50(3): 375-383.
(14)Heng-Bo Wang, Ping-Hua Chen, Yan-Qing Yang, Angelique D’Hont & Yun-Hai Lu. Molecular insights into the origin of the brown rust resistance gene Bru1 among Saccharum species.Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2017,130: 2431–2443.
(15)X. Lu, H. Zhou, Y.B. Pan, C.Y. Chen, J.R. Zhu, P.H. Chen, Y.R. Li, Q. Cai and R.K. Chen. Segregation analysis of microsatellite (SSR) markers in sugarcane polyploids. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015,14(4): 18384-18395.
(16)刘迪,施桂姣,肖乃衍,Khalil Farghama,许跃语,陈平华* 等.甘蔗花青素转录因子基因ScRS克隆与基因枪转化研究.热带作物学报,2017,38(7):1295-1302.
(17)陈利平,陈平华* ,陈忠伟等.甘蔗黄叶病毒与花叶病毒CP基因RNAi载体构建与转化甘蔗研究.热带作物学报,2016,37(1):99-106.
(18)张卓,陈平华* ,许莉萍*等. 四价抗病虫除草剂RNAi植物表达载体构建与转化甘蔗研究.基因组学与应用生物学,2014,33(3):661-673.
(19)张卓,许莉萍*,陈平华* 等.多重PCR快速检测甘蔗转基因成分研究. 热带作物学报,2014, 35(5):897-903.
(22)王恒波,肖乃衍,朱专为,刘翠翠,Intikhab ALAM,陈平华,卢运海.基于甘蔗热带种(LA-purple)全基因组序列的SSR开发及特征分析.作物学报,2018,44(09):1400-1410.
(24)高三基,陈平华,洪健,陈如凯.感染甘蔗黄叶病毒后甘蔗叶组织超微结构的病变. 博乐体育学报:自然科学版,2010,39(1):6-9.
(25)王恒波,陈平华,郭晋隆,陈如凯,许莉萍.转基因大豆GTS40-3-2转化事件特异性PCR检测. 基因组学与应用生物学,2010,6:1177-1183.
(26)陈平华,陈舜彬,陈岚凤,许莉萍,王恒波,陈由强,陈如凯.椰乳在甘蔗组培快繁中的作用研究. 热带作物学报,2009,30(12):1818-1823.
(27)王恒波,陈如凯,陈平华*.抗除草剂转基因作物实时荧光定量PCR检测. 应用与环境生物学报, 2009,15(6):866-870.
6. 学术论著与教材
(1) 《作物生物工程技术》,中国农也├痔逵版社,2003,编委之一。
(2) 《现代甘蔗育种的理论与实践》,中国农也├痔逵版社,2003,编委之一。
(3) 《现代甘蔗遗传育种》,中国农也├痔逵版社,2011,编委之一。
电子信箱:phcemail@126.com QQ:2412581362
RESUME of Pinghua Chen
Professor/ Research Plant Molecular Geneticist
350002, Shangxiadian Road No. 15
National Engineering Research Center of Sugarcane,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(FAFU)
Cangshan District of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province,P.R.C
Cellphone: 86-13075826287
Fax: 86-591-83851742
E-mail: phcemail@126.com, QQ:2412581362
Nationality: Chinese
Domicile: Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China
Henan Agriculture Univ. Henan Province, China, Agronomy, B.S. 1995
Henan Agriculture Univ. Henan Province, China, Agronomy Major in Plant Physiology,M.S. 1998
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; Fujian Province, Agronomy Major in Plant Biotechnology, Ph.D. 2001
Visiting scientist, USDA-ARS Sugarcane Research Unit, 5883 USDA Rd., Houma, Louisiana. 2005-2006.
Doctoral supervisor in Plant Breeding & Genetics, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. 2012-present.
Master's Supervisor in Plant Breeding & Genetics, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. 2007-present.
Director, GMOs and Derived ProductsSupervision, Inspection and Testing Lab, Ministry of Agriculture,Fuzhou, Fujian. 2007-present.
Professor, Research Plant Molecular Geneticist, College of Agriculture, 2011-2015; National Engineering Research Center of Sugarcane,FAFU, Fuzhou, Fujian, China, 2015-present.
Associate Professor, College of Crop Science, FAFU, Fuzhou, Fujian.2005-2011.
Research Associate, College of Crop Science, FAFU, Fuzhou, Fujian. 2001-2005.
Research Assistant, College of Crop Science, FAFU, Fuzhou, Fujian. 2000-2001.
Conduct plant molecular breeding research at two internationally recognized sugarcane research stations with the primary goal of developing disease resistant high yielding cultivars. At the Sugarcane Research Institute in Fuzhou, research involves:1)Molecular detection: development and modification of screening and detection techniques for pollenand transgenic plants, and molecular marker-assisted breeding;2)Gene cloning:transcription factor genes regulating biosynthesis of anthocyanin, house keeping genesof sugarcane, CP, pro genes of ScMV and ScYLV; 3) Genetic engineering: development of multivalent transgenic plants resistant to insects, viruses and herbicide.Numerous molecular breeding papers have been authored or co-authored, and more than ten techniques or research findings have gotten patented(patent numbers as leading inventor:ZL201310715572.3,ZL201310607161.2, ZL201410197759.3, ZL201410197758.9, ZL200810071267.4, ZL201310292837.3, ZL201310292810.4, ZL201310294696.9, ZL200710008694.3, ZL200910111896.X).
At USDA-ARS Sugarcane Research Unit, participated in a research team that initiated on the development of high-throughput procedure for single pollen grain collection and Polymerase Chain Reaction in plants, and SSR marker-based analysis of genetic relatedness among sugarcane cultivars from breeding programs in China and other countries.
Have hosted more than twenty post-graduate students, and all of them graduated on time and obtained their expected degree certificates.
Establishment of the Lab for supervision,inspection and testing of GMOs and derived products of Ministry of Agriculture in 2007, and consult formally with government, breeding organizations and large enterprises for detection of GMOs and Derived Products.
Identification of genes, promoters and terminators applied in gene engineering and transgenic events, more than ten kinds of crops involved including rice, corn, soybean, rapeseed, cotton, tomato, potato, tobacco, beet, sugar cane, etc.
Organization of certification and accreditation of the Lab for supervision,inspection and testing of GMOs and derived products supervised by Ministry of Agriculture and Certification and Accreditation Administration of P.R.C..
Implementation of the projects on supervision and testing of GMOs and derived products, including sampling in supermarkets, trade markets and grain &oil wholesale markets nationwide, as well as detection.
Service on government providing inspection reports and information used in administrative decisions.
Service on Crop Breeding Institutes and crop growers providing inspection reports and information for release or non-release of cultivars to crop growers.
Professional Societies:
China Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 2001-present.
International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 2010-present.
Professional Service:
A committee member of the GMOs Safety Management Advisory Committee at the department of agriculture of Fujian province.
Expert to review for grants on molecular breeding for National Natural Science Foundation of China and Guangxi Natural Science Foundation.
Adjunct Professor of Fujian Normal University. 2007-2011. Presented lectures on biosafety in the undergraduate level molecular biology class.
Joint Research Programs:
Visiting scientist, USDA-ARS Sugarcane Research Unit, Houma,Louisiana. 2005-2006. Title of project: Sugarcane Breeding, Varietal Development and Disease Diagnosis (USDA ControlNo.11580).
Visiting research scholar, USDA-ARS Sugarcane Field Station, Canal Point, Florida. 2006.
International Meetings:
Invited as a feature speaker at Molecular Biology Conference Hall of the XXVII ISSCT Congress held in Mexico (2010). The topic: A review of existing regulations for GM crops and progress made on GM sugarcane research in China.
Attended and presented papers at workshops of “Plant Genetics and Breeding Technologies” and “Plant Diseases and Resistance Mechanisms” hosted by Vienna International Plant Conference Association, held in Vienna, Austria (2013).
Visited the Plant Genomics Research Unit, URGV/INRA, in Paris, France(2013).
Rubab Shabbir, Lin Zhaoli, Xu Yueyu, Sun Zihao and Chen Pinghua*. Transcriptome Analysis of Sugarcane Response to Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus Infection Transmitted by the Vector Melanaphis sacchari. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.921674.
Rubab Shabbir, Rajesh Kumar Singhal, Udit Nandan Mishra,Jyoti Chauhan, Talha Javed, Sadam Hussain, Sachin Kumar, Hirdayesh Anuragi, Dalpat Lal, and Pinghua Chen*.Combined Abiotic Stresses: Challenges and Potential for Crop Improvement.Agronomy, 2022, 12(11), 2795; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112795.
Yue JW, Lu QQ, Ni Y, Chen PH*, Liu C*. Comparative analysis of the plastid and mitochondrial genomes of Artemisia giraldii Pamp.. Sci Rep., 2022,12:13931. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18387-2.
Yue J, Ni Y, Jiang M, Chen H, Chen P*, Liu C*. Characterization of Codonopsis pilosula subsp. tangshen plastome and comparative analysis of Codonopsis species. PLoS ONE, 2022, 17(8):https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone. 0271813.
Rubab Shabbir, Talha Javed, Sadam Hussain, Sunny Ahmar, Misbah Naz, Hina Zafar,Saurabh Pandey, Jyoti Chauhan, Manzer H. Siddiqui, Chen Pinghua*. Calcium homeostasis and potential roles to combat environmental stresses in plants. South African Journal of Botany,2022,148: 683- 693.
Yang Ni, Haimei Chen, Di Liu, Lihui Zeng, Pinghua Chen*, Chang Liu*. Discovery of genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis from the rind and pith of three sugarcane varieties using integrated metabolic profiling and RNA-seq analysis. BMC Plant Biology, 2021,21:214
Rubab Shabbir,Talha Javed, Irfan Afzal,Ayman El Sabagh, Ahmad Ali, Oscar Vicente, and Pinghua Chen*. Modern Biotechnologies: Innovative and Sustainable Approaches for the Improvement of Sugarcane Tolerance to Environmental Stresses.Agronomy, 2021,11,1042.
Yang Ni, Mei Jiang, Haimei Chen, Linfang Huang, Pinghua Chen* & Chang Liu*. Adaptation of a parasitic lifestyle by Cuscutagronovii Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.: large scalegene deletion, conserved gene orders, and low intraspecific divergence. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2021, 6(4):1475-1482.
Khalil F, Yueyu X, Naiyan X, Di L, Tayyab M, Hengbo W, Islam W, Rauf S, Pinghua C*. Genome characterization of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus with special reference to RNAi based molecular breeding.Microb Pathog.2018,120:187-197.
Farghama Khalil, Xiao Naiyan, Muhammad Tayyab and Chen Pinghua*. Screening of EMS-Induced Drought-Tolerant Sugarcane Mutants Employing Physiological, Molecular and Enzymatic Approaches. Agronomy, 2018, 8(10), 226.
P.H.Chen,Y.B.Pan,R.K.Chen,L.P.Xu,Y.Q.Chen. SSR marker-based analysis of genetic relatedness among sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp. hybrids) from breeding programs in China and other countries. Sugar Tech, 2009, 11(4):347-354.
Ping-Hua Chen,Yong-Bao Pan,Ru-Kai Chen. High-throughput Procedure for Single Pollen Grain Collection and Polymerase Chain Reaction in Plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2008, 50(3): 375-383.
Heng-Bo Wang, Ping-Hua Chen, Yan-Qing Yang, Angelique D’Hont & Yun-Hai Lu. Molecular insights into the origin of the brown rust resistance gene Bru1 among Saccharum species.Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2017,130: 2431–2443.
X. Lu, H. Zhou, Y.B. Pan, C.Y. Chen, J.R. Zhu, P.H. Chen, Y.R. Li, Q. Cai and R.K. Chen. Segregation analysis of microsatellite (SSR) markers in sugarcane polyploids. Genetics and Molecular Research,2015,14(4): 18384-18395.
Chen Liping, Chen Pinghua*, Chen Zhongwei, Wang Hengbo, Xu Liping, etc. Construction of ihpRNA expression vector of CP genes of SCYLV and SCMV and Genetic Transformation in sugarcane.Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2016,37(1):99-106.
Zhang Zhuo, Chen Pinghua*, Xu Liping*, Chen Zhongwei, Shi Guijiao, etc. Construction of Tetravalent Expression Vector Carrying Cry1Ac, Bar and RNAi Fragments Resistant to Virus Diseases and Genetic Transformation in Sugarcane. Genomics and Applied Biology, 2014,33(3):661-673.
ZHANG Zhuo,XU Liping*,CHEN Pinghua*,LI Linxiang, WANG Hengbo,etc. Multiplex PCR for Rapid Detection of Components of Genetically Modified Sugarcane. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2014,35(5):897-903.
Chen Pinghua, Chen Rukai, Xu Liping, Wang Hengbo, Chen Liping, Lin Bing, etc. Whole Genome Amplification of Single Pollen Grains from a Sugarcane Cultivar and Analysis of the Genetic Relatedness based on SCoT Markers. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2011,32(11):1-7.
Chen Pinghua, Wang Hengbo, Xu Liping, Chen Youqiang, Chen Rukai. Studies on Alkali Lysis of Leaves for PCR Templates by Two-step Handling. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2010,31(3):422-429.
GAO San-ji,YANG Fan,CHEN Ping-hua,WANG Heng-bo, XU Jing-sheng, CHEN Ru-kai. Cloning and detection of coat protein gene of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus by realtime fluorescent RT-PCR. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2011,41(3):262-269.
GAO San-ji,CHEN Ping-hua,HONG Jian,CHEN Ru-kai1.Ultrastructural alterat ion of diseased leaf tissue infected sugarcane yellow leaf virus. Journa l of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2010,39(1):6-9.
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