
博乐体育首页 ENGLISH




何水林,教授,博士生导师,福建省科技创新领军人才,福建省蔬菜技术产业体系首席专家,博乐体育“金山学者”创新人才,是PLos Genetics,Plant Journal, Plant Cell & Environment,Journal of Experiment Botany、Horticulture ResearchJournal of Hazardous Materials等国际刊物的审稿专家。









1.   设施茄果类蔬菜育种攻关与产业化开发,“十四五”福建省种业创新与产业化工程 (20212025)-农业良种育种攻关与产业化开发项目,zvcxnv2021008,2021.1-2022.12,1000.0万元。

2.   福建省现代蔬菜产业技术体系首席专家工作站-首席专家,闽农综[2019]144号,2019.10-2022.12120.0万元。

3.   设施辣(甜)椒品种选育与产业化工程,“十三五”福建省种业创新与产业化工程项目重大专项,fjzycxny2017007,2017.1-2020.121000.0万元。

4.   辣椒含DWEWRKY基因功能相关及其在协同应答高温及青枯菌中作用解析,国家自然基金,(31572136),2016-2019

5.   2.CaWRKY40介导辣椒耐高温高湿及抗青枯病分子机制解析,国家自然科学基金,31372061,2014-01-2017.12, 80万元。

6.   辣椒高温高湿下抗病功能基因组学研究及高产优质高抗辣椒设施型新品种选育与应用,福建省重大科技专项,66万元,2013.10-2016.12.

7.   抗病转基因水稻新品种培育,国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2009ZX08001-015B,65万元,2009-2012

8.   激活水稻LURM基因表达化合物筛选及其诱导抗病活性分析,国家自然科学基金,30971718,2010-2012,30万元

9.   CaWRKY5激活植物低温抗性的结构基础和分子机制研究,福建省自然科学基金重点项目,2008J0003,2008-2011,20万元


三、 研究方向及成就



1、    揭示了茄科作物抗青枯病与耐高温之间协同和权衡机制




    本团队开展了20多年的辣椒育种,主持了 设施型辣椒新品种选育及其产业化设施型茄科类蔬菜新品种选育与应用等福建省种业工程重大专项项目。依托这些项目,从国内外收集了相关资源2000多份,建立了分子标记与常温育种相结合的育种体系,创制了协同耐高温和抗病以及高温高湿下抗病、耐低温弱光及无限生长的牛角椒、螺丝椒和薄皮泡椒资源500多份及骨干亲本100多份,育成了闽椒系列和福农系列新品种10多个,部分品种已在生产上大面积推广。



1.   Cheng, X., M. Wan, Y. Song, Q. Liu, X. Hu, X. Chen, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R. Wu, Q. Lu, Y. Huang, J. Lv, W. Cai, D. Guan, S. Yang and He S. CaSTH2 disables CaWRKY40 from activating pepper thermotolerance and immunity against Ralstonia solanacearum via physical interaction[J]. Horticulture Research, 2024: uhae066.

2.   Mou, S., W. He, H. Jiang, Q. Meng, T. Zhang, Z. Liu, A. Qiu and He S.Transcription factor CaHDZ15 promotes pepper basal thermotolerance by activating HEAT SHOCK FACTORA6a Plant Physiology.2024(10.1093/plphys/kiae037)

3.   Liu, K., L. Shi, H. Luo, K. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Qiu, X. Li, He S and Z. Liu. Ralstonia solanacearum effector RipAK suppresses homodimerization of the host transcription factor ERF098 to enhance susceptibility and the sensitivity of pepper plants to dehydration.Plant Journal,2024, 117(1): 121-144.

4.   Cai, W., Tao,Y., Gan J., Yang, S., Thomas W. Okita, He, S., Tian, L. Auxin response factor CaARF9 mediates the trade-off between pepper growth and immunity. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2024(doi: 10.1111/pbi.14325).

5.   Dang, F., J. Lin, Y. Li, R. Jiang, Y. Fang, F. Ding, He S and Y. Wang. SlWRKY30 and SlWRKY81 synergistically modulate tomato immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum by directly regulating SlPR-STH2. Horticulture Research,2023, 10(5): uhad050.

6.   Huang, X., S. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Shi, L. Shen, Q. Zhang, A. Qiu, D. Guan and He S. Pepper mildew resistance locus O 1 (MLO1) context-specifically induces high-temperature-specific immunity and thermotolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany,2023(doi: 10.1093/jxb/erad479)

7.   Yang S, W. Cai, R. Wu, Y. Huang, Q. Lu, W. Hui, X. Huang, Y. Zhang, Q. Wu, X. Cheng, M. Wan, J. Lv, Q. Liu, X. Zheng, S. Mou, D. Guan and He S. Differential CaKAN3-CaHSF8 associations underlie distinct immune and heat responses under high temperature and high humidity conditions. Nature Communications,2023, 14(1): 4477.

8.  Zhang, Y., W. Cai, A. Wang, X. Huang, X. Zheng, Q. Liu, X. Cheng, M. Wan, J. Lv, D. Guan, S. Yang and He S.MADS-box protein AGL8 interacts with chromatin-remodelling component SWC4 to activate thermotolerance and environment-dependent immunity in pepper. Journal of Experimental Botany,2023, 74(12): 3667-3683.

9.       Shi L,Li X,Weng Y,Cai H,Liu K,Xie B,Ansar H,Guan D,He S,Liu Z,The CaPti1-CaERF3 module positively regulates resistance of Capsicum annuum to bacterial wilt disease by coupling enhanced immunity and dehydration tolerance. The Plant Journal, 2022,DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15790

10.    Yang S, Cai W, Shen L, Wu R, Cao J, Tang W, Lu Q, Huang Y, Guan D, He S. Solanaceous plants switch to cytokinin-mediated immunity against Ralstonia solanacearum under high temperature and high humidity. Plant, Cell & Environment 2022, 45(2):459-478.

11.    Yang S, Cai W, Shen L, Cao J, Liu C, Hu J, Guan D, He S. A CaCDPK29-CaWRKY27b module promotes CaWRKY40-mediated thermotolerance and immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum in pepper. New Phytologist, 2022, 233(4):1843-1863.

12.    Cai W, Yang S, Wu R, Zheng Y, He S, Shen L, Guan D, He S. CaSWC4 regulates the immunity-thermotolerance tradeoff by recruiting CabZIP63/CaWRKY40 to target genes and activating chromatin in pepper. PLoS Genetics, 2022, 18(2):e1010023.

13.    Liu ZQ, Shi LP, Yang S, Qiu SS, Ma XL, Cai JS, Guan DY, Wang ZH, He S. A conserved double-W box in the promoter of CaWRKY40 mediates autoregulation during response to pathogen attack and heat stress in pepper. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2021, 22(1):3-18.

14.    Cai W, Yang S, Wu R, Cao J, Shen L, Guan D, He S. Pepper NAC-type transcription factor NAC2c balances the trade-off between growth and defense responses. Plant Physiology, 2021, 186(4):2169-2189.

15.    Huang J, Shen L, Yang S, Guan D, He S. CaASR1 promotes salicylic acid- but represses jasmonic acid-dependent signaling to enhance the resistance of Capsicum annuum to bacterial wilt by modulating CabZIP63. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71(20):6538-6554.

16.    Dang F, Lin J, Chen Y, Li GX, Guan D, Zheng SJ, He S. A feedback loop between CaWRKY41 and H2O2 coordinates the response to Ralstonia solanacearum and excess cadmium in pepper. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(5):1581-1595.

17.    Qiu A, Lei Y, Yang S, Wu J, Li J, Bao B, Cai Y, Wang S, Lin J, Wang Y , He S. CaC3H14 encoding a tandem CCCH zinc finger protein is directly targeted by CaWRKY40 and positively regulates the response of pepper to inoculation by Ralstonia solanacearum. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018, 19(10):2221-2235.

18.    Cheng W, Xiao Z, Cai H, Wang C, Hu Y, Xiao Y, Zheng Y, Shen L, Yang S, Liu Z, He S. A novel leucine-rich repeat protein, CaLRR51, acts as a positive regulator in the response of pepper to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2017, 18(8):1089-1100.

19.    Shen L, Liu Z, Yang S, Yang T, Liang J, Wen J, Liu Y, Li J, Shi L, Tang Q, He S. Pepper CabZIP63 acts as a positive regulator during Ralstonia solanacearum or high temperature-high humidity challenge in a positive feedback loop with CaWRKY40. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(8):2439-2451.

20.    Liu ZQ, Qiu AL, Shi LP, Cai JS, Huang XY, Yang S, Wang B, Shen L, Huang MK, Mou SL, He S. SRC2-1 is required in PcINF1-induced pepper immunity by acting as an interacting partner of PcINF1. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66(13):3683-3698.

21.    Cai H, Yang S, Yan Y, Xiao Z, Cheng J, Wu J, Qiu A, Lai Y, Mou S, Guan D, He S. CaWRKY6 transcriptionally activates CaWRKY40, regulates Ralstonia solanacearum resistance, and confers high-temperature and high-humidity tolerance in pepper. Journal of Experimental Botany,  2015, 66(11):3163-3174.

22.    Wang Y, Dang F, Liu Z, Wang X, Eulgem T, Lai Y, Yu L, She J, Shi Y, Lin J, He S. CaWRKY58, encoding a group I WRKY transcription factor of Capsicum annuum, negatively regulates resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Molecular Plant Pathology,2013, 14(2):131-144.

23.    Dang FF, Wang YN, Yu L, Eulgem T, Lai Y, Liu ZQ, Wang X, Qiu AL, Zhang TX, Lin J, He S. CaWRKY40, a WRKY protein of pepper, plays an important role in the regulation of tolerance to heat stress and resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Plant, Cell & Environment 2013, 36(4):757-774.


1.   E-mail: shlhe201304@aliyun.com469598131@qq.com

2.   联系电话: 18606998458





Name:Shuilin HE

Unit:College of Crop Science, FujianAgriculture & ForestryUniversity

Title: Professor, Associated Dean


Dr. He received his Bachelor degree in Agronomy from JiangxiAgricultureUniversity in 1988, his Master degree in Agronomy from HuazhongAgricultureUniversity in 1991 and then worked 4 years as assistant and 4 years as lecturer in FujianAgricultureUniversity. He worked from 1996 October to 1998 January in KyungpookNationalUniversity as a visiting scholar and received his Ph.D. in Agronomy from FujianAgricultureUniversity in 1998. After he got his Ph.D, he worked 4 years as associated professor in College of Crop Science in Fujian Agriculture University and moved to College of Life Science and was promoted to be associated dean of College of Life Science, He worked there as a full time professor in plant stress physiology focusing on pepper. In 2008, he visited Eulgem Thomas lab in University of California, Riverside for 4 months as visiting scholar. In 2011, he moved back to the College of Crop Science. Currently, Dr. He is associated dean of College  of Crop Science and the thesis advisor for Ph.D. students in functional genomics of plant stress physiology.

Research work:

Functional genomics of plant stress physiology


  1. Shi L,Li X,Weng Y,Cai H,Liu K,Xie B,Ansar H,Guan D,He S,Liu Z,The CaPti1-CaERF3 module positively regulates resistance of Capsicum annuum to bacterial wilt disease by coupling enhanced immunity and dehydration tolerance. The Plant Journal, 2022,DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15790

  2. Yang S, Cai W, Shen L, Wu R, Cao J, Tang W, Lu Q, Huang Y, Guan D, He S: Solanaceous plants switch to cytokinin-mediated immunity against Ralstonia solanacearum under high temperature and high humidity. Plant, Cell & Environment 2022, 45(2):459-478.

  3. Yang S, Cai W, Shen L, Cao J, Liu C, Hu J, Guan D, He S: A CaCDPK29-CaWRKY27b module promotes CaWRKY40-mediated thermotolerance and immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum in pepper. The New Phytologist 2022, 233(4):1843-1863.

  4.  Cai W, Yang S, Wu R, Zheng Y, He S, Shen L, Guan D, He S: CaSWC4 regulates the immunity-thermotolerance tradeoff by recruiting CabZIP63/CaWRKY40 to target genes and activating chromatin in pepper. PLoS Genetics 2022, 18(2):e1010023.

  5. Liu ZQ, Shi LP, Yang S, Qiu SS, Ma XL, Cai JS, Guan DY, Wang ZH, He SL: A conserved double-W box in the promoter of CaWRKY40 mediates autoregulation during response to pathogen attack and heat stress in pepper. Molecular Plant Pathology 2021, 22(1):3-18.

  6.  Cai W, Yang S, Wu R, Cao J, Shen L, Guan D, Shuilin H: Pepper NAC-type transcription factor NAC2c balances the trade-off between growth and defense responses. Plant Physiology 2021, 186(4):2169-2189.

  7. Huang J, Shen L, Yang S, Guan D, He S: CaASR1 promotes salicylic acid- but represses jasmonic acid-dependent signaling to enhance the resistance of Capsicum annuum to bacterial wilt by modulating CabZIP63. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71(20):6538-6554.

  8. Dang F, Lin J, Chen Y, Li GX, Guan D, Zheng SJ, He S: A feedback loop between CaWRKY41 and H2O2 coordinates the response to Ralstonia solanacearum and excess cadmium in pepper. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(5):1581-1595.

  9. Qiu A, Lei Y, Yang S, Wu J, Li J, Bao B, Cai Y, Wang S, Lin J, Wang Y et al: CaC3H14 encoding a tandem CCCH zinc finger protein is directly targeted by CaWRKY40 and positively regulates the response of pepper to inoculation by Ralstonia solanacearum. Molecular Plant Pathology 2018, 19(10):2221-2235.

  10. Cheng W, Xiao Z, Cai H, Wang C, Hu Y, Xiao Y, Zheng Y, Shen L, Yang S, Liu Z et al: A novel leucine-rich repeat protein, CaLRR51, acts as a positive regulator in the response of pepper to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Molecular Plant Pathology 2017, 18(8):1089-1100.

  11. Shen L, Liu Z, Yang S, Yang T, Liang J, Wen J, Liu Y, Li J, Shi L, Tang Q et al: Pepper CabZIP63 acts as a positive regulator during Ralstonia solanacearum or high temperature-high humidity challenge in a positive feedback loop with CaWRKY40. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(8):2439-2451.

  12. Liu ZQ, Qiu AL, Shi LP, Cai JS, Huang XY, Yang S, Wang B, Shen L, Huang MK, Mou SL et al: SRC2-1 is required in PcINF1-induced pepper immunity by acting as an interacting partner of PcINF1. Journal of Experimental Botany,  2015, 66(13):3683-3698.

  13. Cai H, Yang S, Yan Y, Xiao Z, Cheng J, Wu J, Qiu A, Lai Y, Mou S, Guan D et al: CaWRKY6 transcriptionally activates CaWRKY40, regulates Ralstonia solanacearum resistance, and confers high-temperature and high-humidity tolerance in pepper. Journal of Experimental Botany,  2015, 66(11):3163-3174.

  14. Wang Y, Dang F, Liu Z, Wang X, Eulgem T, Lai Y, Yu L, She J, Shi Y, Lin J et al: CaWRKY58, encoding a group I WRKY transcription factor of Capsicum annuum, negatively regulates resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Molecular Plant Pathology 2013, 14(2):131-144.

  15. Dang FF, Wang YN, Yu L, Eulgem T, Lai Y, Liu ZQ, Wang X, Qiu AL, Zhang TX, Lin J et al: CaWRKY40, a WRKY protein of pepper, plays an important role in the regulation of tolerance to heat stress and resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Plant, Cell & Environment 2013, 36(4):757-774.


  1. Phone:86-591- 83793159, Mobile phone: 86-18606998458

  2. E-mail:shlhe201304@aliyun.com
