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先后主持2项科技部“863高技术研究计划”课题和主持5项国家自然科学基金面上项目,先后被遴选为“国家甘蔗产业技术体系”病虫害防控岗位专家(2008-2010.12)、“国家甘蔗产业技术体系”分子育种岗位专家兼育种与种苗研究室主任(2011.01-2016.12)、“国家糖料产业技术体系”甘蔗育种技术与方法岗位科学家兼育种研究室主任(2017.01-2020.12)、2021.01-至今。2015-2019年间,先后指导4位博士研究生获福建省优秀博士学位论文,获博乐体育历次评选的“优秀研究生导师”荣誉称号和“科研杰出人才”、“科技创新工作先进个人”等荣誉称号。2019年获“神农中华农业科技奖一等奖”(第五)、“丰收奖一等奖”(第五)和“广东省科技进步二等奖”(第三)。主持制定《甘蔗脱毒种苗检测技术规范》、《甘蔗病原菌检测规程宿根矮化病原菌环介导等温扩增检测方法》5个农业行业标准,获授权发明专利16件(排名第一的4件),参与选育国家审鉴定品种9个。长期作为《作物学报》、《中国农业科学》、《农业生物技术学报》、《生物工程学报》、《中国农业大学学报》和国际期刊The Crop J, Field Crop Research, Industrial Crops and Products,FrontierinPlant Science,BMC Genomics,Environmental and Experimental Botany,Plant Cell Reports, International Journal of Molecular Science,Gene等刊物的同行评审专家。主讲硕士研究生学位课《作物学专业英语》和博士研究生必修课《学科发展前沿导读》。主要学术兼职如下:






















8、甘蔗生物学与遗传育种. 福建省高等博乐体育科技创新团队、博乐体育创新团队建设项目(cxtd12006),2012.04-2015.03,主持。









1.Wang Z, Lu G, Wu Q, Li A, Que Y, Xu L*.2021. Isolating QTL controlling sugarcane leaf blight resistance using a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy, The Crop Journal. doi.org/ 10.1016/j.cj.2021.11.009

2. Zhoutao Wang, Hui Ren, Chao Pang, Guilong Lu, Fu Xu, Wei Cheng, Youxiong Que*, Liping Xu*. 2021. An autopolyploid?suitable polyBSA?seq strategy for screening candidate genetic markers linked to leaf blight resistance in sugarcane. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. doi.org/10.1007/s00122-021-03989-7

3. Lu G, Pan Y-B, Wang Z, Xu F, Cheng W, Huang X, Ren H, Pang C, Que Y* and Xu L*. 2021. Utilization of a sugarcane100K single nucleotide polymorphisms microarray-derived high-density genetic map in quantitative trait loci mapping and function role prediction of genes related to chlorophyll content in sugarcane. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 817875. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.817875

4. Lu G, Wang Z, Xu F, Pan Y-B, Grisham MP, Xu, L. 2021. Sugarcane mosaic disease: characteristics, identification and control. Microorganisms, 9, 1984. doi.org/10.3390/ microorganisms9091984

5. Wang Z, XuF, Ren H, Lu G, Que Y, Xu L*. 2021. Genome-wide characterization of NLRs in Saccharum spontaneum L. and their responses to leaf blight in Saccharum. Agronomy, 11, 153. doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11010153.

6. Wang Z, Ren H, Xu F, Lu G, Cheng W, Que Y,Xu L*. 2021. Genome-wide characterization of lectin receptor kinases in Saccharum spontaneum L. and their responses to Stagonospora tainanensisinfection. Plants, 10, 322. doi.org/ 10.3390/plants10020322

7. You Q, Yang X, Peng Z, Islam Md. S, Sood S, Luo Z, Comstock J, Xu L*, Wang J*. 2019. Development of an Axiom Sugarcane100K SNP array for genetic map construction and QTL identification. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.

8. Yang YY, Gao SW, Su YC, Lin ZL, Guo JL, Li MJ, Wang ZT, Que YX* and Xu LP*. 2019. Transcripts and low nitrogen tolerance: Regulatory and metabolic pathways in sugarcane under low nitrogen stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 163, 97-111.

9. Yang YY, Gao SW, Jiang Y, Lin ZL, Luo J, Li MJ, Guo JL, Su YC, Xu LP* and Que YX*. 2019. The physiological and agronomic responses to nitrogen dosage in different sugarcane varieties. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10,406.

10. Xu F, He LL, Gao SW, Su YC, Li FS* and Xu LP*. 2019. Comparative analysis of two sugarcane ancestorsSaccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum based on complete chloroplast genome sequences and photosynthetic ability in cold stress. International Journal of Molecular Science, 20, 3828

11. You Q, Yang X, Peng Z, Xu L*, Wang J*. 2018. Development and applications of a high throughput genotyping tool for polyploid crops: single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:104.

12. Zhou DG, Liu XL, Gao SW, Guo JL, Su YC, Ling H, Wang CF, Li Z, Xu LP*, Que YX*. 2018. Foreign cry1Ac gene integration and endogenous borer stress-related genes synergistically improve insect resistance in sugarcane. BMC Plant Biology, 18:342.

13. Yang YT, Yu Q, Yang YY, Su YC, Ahmad W, Guo JL, Gao SW, Xu LP*, Que YX*. 2018. Identification of cold-related miRNAs in sugarcane by small RNA sequencing and functional analysis of a cold inducible ScmiR393 to cold stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 155:464-476.

14. Gao SW, Yang YT, Xu LP*, Guo JL, Su YC, Wu QB, Wang CF, Que YX*. 2018. Particle bombardment of the cry2A gene cassette induces stem borer resistance in sugarcane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(6):1692.

15. Li Z, Su YC, Yu Q, Chen Y, Gao SW, Zhang YG, Que YX, Xu LP*. 2018. Molecular insights into brown rust resistance and potentialepidemic based on the Bru1 gene in sugarcane varietiesand new elite clones. Euphytica, 214:189.

16. Wu QB, Gao SW, Pan YB, Su YC, Grisham MP, Guo JL, Xu LP*, Que YX*. 2018. Heterologous expression of a glyoxalase I gene from sugarcane confers tolerance to several environmental stresses in bacteria. Peer Journal, 6:e5873.

17. Ling H, Huang N, Wu QB, Su YC, Peng Q, Ahmad W, Gao SW, Su WH, Que YX*, Xu LP*. 2018. Transcriptional insights into the sugarcane-Sorghum mosaic virus interaction. Tropical Plant Biology, 11(3-4): 163-176.

18. Yang YT, Zhang X, Su YC, Zou JK, Wang ZT, Xu LP*, Que YX*. 2017. miRNA alteration is an important mechanism in sugarcane response to low-temperature environment. BMC Genomics, 18(1):b833.

19. Jinlong Guo, Hui Ling, Jingjing Ma, Yun Chen, Yachun Su, Qingliang Lin, Shiwu Gao,Hengbo Wang, Youxiong Que andLiping Xu*. 2017. A sugarcane R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene is alternatively spliced during drought stress. Scientific Reports, 7:41922.

20. Peng Q, Su YC, Ling H, Ahmad W, Gao SW, Guo JL, Que YX, Xu LP*. 2017. A sugarcane pathogenesis-related protein, ScPR10, playsa positive role in defense responses under Sporisorium scitamineum, SrMV, SA, and MeJA stresses. Plant Cell Reporters.

21. Zhang X, Yang YT, Zou JK,Chen Y, Wu QB, Guo JL, Que YX, Xu LP*. 2017. ScMED7, a sugarcane mediator subunit gene, acts as a regulator of plant immunity and is responsive to diverse stress and hormone treatments. Mol Genet Genomics, 292:1363-1375.

22. Yuting Yang, Xu Zhang, Yun Chen, Jinlong Guo, Hui Ling, Shiwu Gao, Yachun Su, Youxiong Que and Liping Xu*.2016. Selection of reference genes for normalization of microRNA expression by RT-qPCR in sugarcane buds under cold stress. Frontiers in Plant Science.

23. Dinggang Zhou, Liping Xu*, Shiwu Gao, Jinlong Guo, Jun Luo, Qian You and Youxiong Que*.2016. Cry1Ac transgenic sugarcane does not affect the diversity of microbial communities and has no significant effect on enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil within one crop season. Frontiers in Plant Science.

24. Dinggang Zhou, Chunfeng Wang, Zhu Li, Yun Chen, Shiwu Gao, Jinlong Guo, Wenying Lu, Yachun Su, Liping Xu* and Youxiong Que*. 2016. Detection of bar transgenic sugarcane with a rapid and visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay. Frontiers in Plant Science,.

25. Su YC, Xu LP*, Wang ZQ, Peng Q, Yang YT, Chen Y, Que YX*. 2016. Comparative proteomics reveals that central metabolism changes are associated with resistance against Sporisorium scitamineum in sugarcane. BMC Genomics, 17:800.

26. Su YC, Yang YT, Peng Q, Zhou DG, Chen Y, Wang ZQ, Xu LP*, Que YX*. 2016. Development and application of a rapid and visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Sporisorium scitamineum in sugarcane. Scientific Reports, 6: 23994.

27. Su YC, Wang ZQ, Xu LP*, Peng Q, Liu F, Li Z, Que YX. 2016. Early selection for smut resistance in sugarcane using pathogen proliferation and changes in physiological and biochemical indices. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1133.

28. Su YC, Wang ZQ, Liu F, Li Z, Peng Q, Guo JL, Xu LP*, Que YX*. 2016. Isolation and characterization of ScGluD2, a new sugarcane beta-1,3-Glucanase D family gene induced by Sporisorium scitamineum, ABA, H2O2, NaCl, and CdCl2 stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1348.

29. Yachun Su, Liping Xu*, Shanshan Wang, Zhuqing Wang, Yuting Yang, Yun Chen and Youxiong Que. 2015. Identification, phylogeny, and transcript of chitinase family genes in sugarcane. Scientific Reports, 5:10708.

30. Jun Luo, Yong-Bao Pan, Liping Xu*, Michael Paul Grisham, Hua Zhang and Youxiong Que*. 2015. Rational regional distribution of sugarcane cultivars in China. Scientific Reports, 5:15721.

31. Jinlong Guo, Shiwu Gao, Qinliang Lin, Hengbo Wang, Youxiong Que* and Liping Xu*. 2015. Transgenic sugarcane resistant to Sorghum mosaic virus based on coat protein gene silencing by RNA interference. BioMed Research International, Article ID 861907.

32. You Q, Pan YB, Xu LP*, Gao SW, Wang QN, Su YC, Yang YQ, Wu QB, Zhou DG and Que YX*. 2015. Genetic diversity analysis of sugarcane germplasm based on fluorescence-labeled simple sequence repeat markers and a capillary electrophoresis-based genotyping platform. Sugar Tech.

33. Jinlong Guo, Shiwu Gao, Qinliang Lin, Hengbo Wang,Youxiong Que and Liping Xu*. 2015. Transgenic sugarcane resistant to Sorghum mosaic virus based on coat protein gene silencing by RNA Interference. BioMed Research International, Article ID 861907

34. Jun Luo, Yong-Bao Pan, Youxiong Que*, Hua Zhang, Michael Paul Grisham and Liping Xu*. 2015. Biplot evaluation of test environments and identification of mega-environment for sugarcane cultivars in China. Scientific Reports, 5:15505.

35. Youxiong Que, Liping Xu*, Qibin Wu, Yongfeng Liu, Hui Ling, Yanhong Liu, Yuye Zhang, Jinlong Guo, Yachun Su, Jiebo Chen, Shanshan Wang and Chengguang Zhang. 2014. Genome sequencing of Sporisorium scitamineum provides insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of sugarcane smut. BMC Genomics, 15: 996.

36. Su Y, Guo J, Ling H, Chen S, Wang S, Xu L*, Andrew C Allan, Que Y. 2014. Isolation of a novel peroxisomal catalase gene from sugarcane, which is responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses. PLoS ONE, 9(1): e84426.

37. Yachun Su, Liping Xu*, Zhiwei Fu, Yuting Yang, Jinlong Guo, Shanshan Wang and Youxiong Que*. 2014. ScChi, encoding an acidic class III chitinase of sugarcane, confers positive responses to biotic and abiotic stresses in sugarcane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15, 2738-2760.

38. Hui Lin, Qibin Wu, Jinlong Guo, Liping Xu*, Youxiong Que*. 2014. Comprehensive Selection of Reference Genes for Gene Expression Normalization in Sugarcane by Real Time Quantitative RT-PCR. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e97469.

39. Bantong Xue, Jinlong Guo, Youxiong Que, Zhiwei Fu, Luguang Wu, Liping Xu*. 2014. Selection of suitable endogenous reference genes for relative copy number detection in sugarcane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15: 8846-8862.

40. Dinggang Zhou, Jinlong Guo, Liping Xu*, Shiwu Gao, Qingliang Lin, Qibin Wu, Luguang Wu, Youxiong Que*. 2014. Establishment and application of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) system for detection of cry1Ac transgenic sugarcane. Scientific Reports, 4: 4912.

41. Jinlong Guo, Hui Ling, Qibin Wu, Liping Xu*, Youxiong Que.2014. The choice of reference genes for assessing gene expression in sugarcane under salinity and drought stresses. Scientific Reports, 4: 7042.

42. Yuting Yang, Zhiwei Fu, Yachun Su, Xu Zhang, Guoyin Li, Jinlong Guo, Youxiong Que &Liping Xu*. 2014. A cytosolic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gene, ScG6PDH, plays a positive role in response to various abiotic stresses in sugarcane. Scientific Reports,4: 7090.

43. Youxiong Que, Yachun Su, Jinlong Guo, Qibin Wu, Liping Xu*. 2014. A global view of transcriptome dynamics during Sporisorium scitamineum challenge in sugarcane by RNA-seq. PLoS ONE, 9(8): e106476.

44. Youxiong Que, Yongbao Pan, Yunhai Lu, Cui Yang, Yuting Yang, Ning Huang and Liping Xu*.2014. Genetic analysis of diversity within a Chinese local sugarcane germplasm based on start codon targeted polymorphism. BioMed Research International, Article ID 468375.

45. Youxiong Que, Yongbao Pan, Yunhai Lu, Cui Yang, Yuting Yang, Ning Huang and Liping Xu*. 2014. Genetic Analysis of Diversity within a Chinese Local Sugarcane Germplasm Based on Start Codon Targeted Polymorphism. BioMed Research International, Article ID468375.

46. Jinlong Guo, Liping Xu*, Yachun Su, Hengbo Wang, Shiwu Gao, Jingsheng Xu, and Youxiong Que. 2013. ScMT2-1-3, a metallothionein gene of sugarcane, plays an important role in the regulation of heavy metal tolerance/accumulation. BioMed Research International, Article ID 904769.

47. Que YX, Xu LP* Lin JW, Chen RK, Grisham MP. 2012. Molecular variation of Sporisorium scitamineum in mainland China revealed by RAPD and SRAP markers. Plant Disease, 1519-1525.








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